This series is all about helping you clear out toxins that mess with your hormones so that you can feel better, think clearer and dive fully into what really matters to you.
If too many toxins accumulate in your body you can feel tired, and have skin problems, a hard time losing weight and memory issues.  Chemicals can also directly impact your body’s delicate hormonal balance.
Today we’re talking about your home.
Your house is your home.  Your body is your home.
They’re totally connected.
Taking simple steps to reduce the number of chemicals you’re exposed to in your house means less of them end up in your body.
In the last several decades we’ve introduced over 80,000 new chemicals into the environment and only 20% of these have been tested for health safety. 
This means that over 80% of chemicals you may come in contact with have never been tested for safety.  
But research is catching up and I’m keeping you on the cutting edge of this.

Detoxing your home can be simple if you take it one simple step at a time.  And when you reduce the toxic load on your body, you allow it to catch up and stay on top of keeping you healthy and energized.
Top 3 Chemicals to Clear Out
Follow these simple tips to reduce these hormone-disrupting chemicals in your home.
1. Bisphenol A (BPA) – if you’re a parent you’re probably a pro at looking for BPA-free plastic.  But did you know that most store receipts are coated with it?  Or that it’s used to line almost all canned goods?

  • Turn down offers for a receipt as much as possible when you shop.
  • Look for “BPA free” canned goods or play with cooking beans from scratch (a slow cooker is your best friend for this!).

2. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are chemical fire retardants.  They’re hitting the top of the watch list when it comes to hormone disruptors.

  • Look for “PBDE free” electronics, clothing & furniture.  Major brands including Ikea, Crate and Barrel, west elm and many others have all committed to removing chemical flame-retardants and include this in the labeling.
  • Cover rips in pre-2005 foam furniture (better regulations came into effect that year).  This will keep the loose particles from spreading into the air and into your lungs.

3. Phthalates can be found in vinyl and plastics and are used in fragrances to help them last longer. 

  • Swap out plastic Tupperware to glass.  Glass doesn’t leach chemicals.
  • Avoid putting hot food in plastic or cooking or microwaving plastics.  This includes saran wrap.  Glass tupperware and wax paper are great alternatives.

Pick one or two of these tips and have fun with them!
By cutting down on the chemicals in your home, you’re creating a safer place for you and your family.