Menopause may be decades away, right around the corner, or even a thing of the past. No matter what your age is you’ll benefit from the 3 tips I’m about to share with you.
You may have heard stories from your mother, friends or other relatives about the difficulties of menopause. Hot flashes taking over their days, sleepless nights, muscle pain, mood changes and headaches…the list could go on. What you may not know is that menopause doesn’t need to be a rough ride. Yes, it’s true! There is one pair of glands that may change everything: the adrenals.
The adrenal glands have just started to come into the spotlight in the last few years. You have two and each one sits on top of your bean-shaped kidneys like a small hat. One of the adrenal’s main roles throughout your life is to produce stress hormones.
What Does Producing Stress Hormones Have To Do With Menopause?
The answer is in the important job your adrenals take on when your ovaries begin to retire and you enter perimenopause. During your entire life, your ovaries have been the main source of your sex hormones, including estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. As your ovaries slow production of these hormones during perimenopause, your adrenal glands take on the job and over time become one of the main sources of sex hormone production. Usually adrenals are able to rise to this occasion and the transition goes smoothly.
But, if you have been under chronic stress your adrenals may not be able to take on this additional role. They may be functioning below optimal or short on raw materials to make sex hormones. This can lead to shortages of, or imbalances between estrogen, testosterone and progesterone, contributing to more intense menopausal symptoms.
The trick to addressing this early on is to take good care of your adrenals now, so they’re ready when the day comes for your ovaries to retire. Even if you’re on the other side of menopause you will gain by supporting your adrenals today.
3 Simple Tips to Support Your Adrenals:
1. Create a Regular Sleep/Wake Schedule
Creating rhythm in your life is one of the most effective ways you can help your body deal with (and heal from) stress. To regulate your sleep/wake cycle aim to go to sleep and wake up around the same time each day, including weekends. If you find you need to “catch up” on weekends, take a look at what you can do to get yourself to bed earlier during the week.
2. Balance Your Blood Sugars
When your blood sugar drops it kicks off a stress response and places excess demand on your adrenals. Two things that cause low blood sugar are not eating for a few hours, or eating a meal high in simple carbohydrates such as white flour and sugar. Eating protein in each meal and trading out simple carbohydrates for complex carbohydrates such as whole grains will help balance your blood sugars.
3. Supply your Adrenals with Basic Nutrients
Your adrenals will be grateful to get some of the raw ingredients it needs to function. The most important of these is Vitamin C, which your body can’t make on it’s own and doesn’t store. The B vitamins (especially B5), vitamin E, and magnesium also support adrenal function. Eat foods high in Vitamin C, such as parsley, broccoli, bell pepper, strawberries, oranges, lemon juice, papaya, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, and Brussels sprouts. Also make sure you have a good nutrient base with a high quality multi-vitamin.
How Do You Know If You Need Adrenal Support?
There are several symptoms that indicate what state your adrenals are in. Some of these include fatigue in the morning, salt or sugar cravings, forgetfulness, anxiety, and sensitivity to your environment. The Identi-T Stress program™ I offer is an excellent option to find out whether you need support and exactly what nutrients and herbs are best suited for you. Feel free to book your appointment or contact me to learn more.
Caring for your adrenals may be one of the most important things you can do for your overall health. Traditionally menopause is a time of celebration for women as we transition into the age of wisdom. By supporting your adrenals and taking other steps tailored to your specific needs, you can create a positive menopausal experience and beyond.