My mission is to help you get back to your natural, vibrant state of health.
Your body’s natural ability to heal is the inspiration for everything I do. I have a particular focus on women’s health and wellness, although I support a wide range of clients including men, women and families. I use functional nutrition, botanicals, nutrient therapy, functional lab investigations, and lifestyle counselling to help my clients restore hormonal balance, digestive health, energy levels, sleep quality, and address skin, metabolic and inflammatory conditions.
My Story:
Twenty-five years ago, I did my first cleanse and it changed my life. As a teenager, I may have seemed healthy from the outside – I’d competed in alpine ski racing at an elite level through high school and university, and on high school tennis, field hockey and rowing teams. However, throughout all of these years I struggled with ongoing exhaustion, PMS and painful, heavy periods. I visited doctors many times, but my blood tests always came back normal, and I was told that I was young and healthy.
But deep down, I knew that something just wasn’t right.
At one point my neighbour, who was a naturopathic doctor, recommended that I try changing up my diet. Just halfway through the 12-day cleanse-where I moved onto a whole foods diet – I realized a whole new level of health. Symptoms I didn’t even know I had suddenly disappeared. My brain fog cleared up, I woke up before my alarm went off feeling rested, my stomach cramps and bloating disappeared (up to then I had thought they were a normal part of life), and I felt energetic all day long. I had no idea it was possible to feel that good!
I realized right then the powerful connection between food and how we feel. This life-changing experience planted an early seed that eventually brought me to naturopathic medicine and nutritional therapy, and why nutrition is the cornerstone of my practice.
I’m also lit up by the notion that our bodies are a microcosm of the environment, and I truly believe we can help create a sustainable future by making healthy choices for ourselves and our families. The outdoors has been an incredible playground over the years: I guided month-long canoe trips, worked in the forestry industry, and love to SUP, run, mountain bike and downhill ski. Spending time outdoors has taught me some powerful lessons about respect, appreciation and how our actions affect the world around us.
I bring together these values, my communication and analytical skills, and passion for simple, natural therapies to help you take charge of your health and live more fully.
My Training and Credentials:
I was trained as a naturopathic doctor at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM, Boucher Campus). It is an accredited naturopathic college in Vancouver, Canada. I earned my Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine diploma at CCNM in 2009 and was honoured with the Clinical Excellence Award upon graduation. I am currently registered with the College of Complimentary Health Professionals of BC (CCHPBC) as a non-practising registrant because I am not a certified, registered or licensed medical provider in Denmark, and do not practice medicine.
I am currently a member of the Danish Heilpraktiker Association and The Association of Danish Nutrition Therapists, and as a registered alternative practitioner (RAB) with both associations.
Over the last 15 years I have lived and supported clients in Vancouver Canada, New York, and London UK. I currently live in Denmark with my husband and 11-year-old twins, in our home nestled between the forest and the fjord. From here, I serve clients locally and internationally via telephone and video conferencing in collaboration with their conventional and integrative care team.
I am dedicated to helping each of my clients feel well and live their lives to the fullest.