Painful Periods: How To Heal Them & Say Goodbye To Painkillers

With the sun beginning to warm things up these days we’re almost at that time of year where you want to be outside ALL the time!   But if you have painful periods they can really get in the way of celebrating the sunny season.   You might find yourself not feeling...

Food & Fertility: a Helpful Guide

With bright green buds showing up on all the grey trees I’ve been thinking a lot about birth lately.   As much as I love my cozy winters, there’s something comforting about a fresh start and a friendly reminder that new possibilities are just around the corner.   If...

Time For Self-Care & How To Make It: A Story

The season is changing which means it’s a great time to change things up in your life in a really good way.  Spring and summer energy is light and fun and to take full advantage of it you need to feel GREAT!     Today I’d like to share a recent story from my own...

Allergy Season: What You Can Do Now For An Easy One

Spring is almost here!  For many of you who are enduring a long chilly winter this may be hard to believe, but I’ve seen evidence!   Here in London gardens typically stay green because it’s so mild.  That is, unless you gave birth to twins and didn’t water it for an...

Hormonal Issue: How To Know If You Have One

I hope you had a relaxing and wonderful holiday and started this New Year off gently – with yourself AND your goals.  It’s easy to get caught up in expectations, but stick with your gut on what you think is going to work for you.  Taking things one step at a time...