Is Your Body Trying To Tell You Something?

Hi there, A big and wonderful part of the healing journey is getting to know your body better and learning how to take care of it.  A huge focus of my work with clients is about empowering them to do this.   You can get a great start on it now by TUNING IN and...

The Bucket Theory: An Illuminating Way to “See” Your Body

Hello! Today I’m excited to share a simple but powerful way to visualize your body called the Bucket Theory.  It can help you ”see” how all the pieces fit together when it comes to your health.  All in all, it just might give you a flash of insight on what’s happening...

25 Alternatives To The Pill For Solving Your Period Problem

Hi there, If you’ve been told that you have to go on the birth control pill to solve your menstrual or hormonal issues, this newsletter is a must read for you.   It breaks my heart to see so many women told that the only answer for “treating” their heavy periods,...

How Sugary Foods Cause LOW Blood Sugar

No, the title is not a typo… I actually meant to say LOW blood sugar. But I can understand why this could be confusing, usually sugary foods are talked about in terms of how they cause HIGH blood sugar. When I was 14 years old and competing in alpine ski...